Total inorganic analysis

Since 1999, UT2A has been a laboratory specialized in the elemental inorganic analysis in very different contexts. The quality of the measurement of the total element contents, whether at primary or at trace level, is equally based on the sampling, the sample preparation and the analysis itself. Therefore, the analysis of an element in a specific matrix becomes a real scientific approach which has to take into account its composition, its potential reactions and the presence of interfering elements.

Even more, the analysis of elements at  trace level (investigation of concentrations expressed in mg/L, µg/L or ng/L) requires working in rigorous operational conditions allowing the preservation of the sample during the analytical process, whether it is an impurity in a raw material or the research of a micropollutant in the environment.

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  • “screening” or semi-quantitative analysis by ICP AES and ICP MS to evaluate the main elements present
  • Development and validation of customized specific methods
  • Guarantee of analytical performances adapted to the request
  • Scientific expertise and date interpretation

Examples of works accomplished

  • Analysis of trace elements in industrial products : from the raw material to the final product characterization (health and food products, composite materials, etc…)
  • Elemental analysis in biological samples (blood, milk, plasma, hair, muscles, vegetation, etc…)



  • Complete elemental characterization of environmental samples (fresh water, sea water, soils, sediments, etc…)
  • Air quality analysis (particulates on filters, sparging solutions, etc…)

Analytical devices



Ionic chromatography

UT2A est un laboratoire spécialisé dans le dosage de métaux lourds dans des échantillons biologiques, environnementaux et dans des produits industriels. Nous réalisons des prestations d'analyse pour le dosage du mercure, du souffre, du vanadium, du sélénium, du molybdène, du manganèse, de l'iode, de l'étain, ainsi que de l'arsenic, du chrome et du cobalt.